Join us on a virtual journey around the world, hopping between some of the lesser-known UNESCO World Heritage Sites on our way. We will add and travel to a new World Heritage Site in a different country, every day over the next 15 weeks.
This is a journey inspired by a recent well-thumbed discovery from my childhood, in which I followed Ant and Bee around the world in search of Bee’s miniature umbrella. It eventually turns up at the British Museum on display as the smallest umbrella in the world; perhaps this too deserves a place on the UNESCO World Heritage Site List!

We have also been struck by messages on social media about how communities and countries in every part of the world are being impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet we don’t always hear this reflected in mainstream media.
Current events are a powerful reminder we are all members of a global community. One that is vulnerable and compassionate, creative and resilient. In presenting our virtual journey, we also want to acknowledge the global fight against Covid-19, by linking to live data from across the world provided by the World Health Organisation.
NB This resource requires the latest versions of most common desktop browsers, and works best with Chrome and Firefox. It also supports most common current iOS and Android mobile devices.
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