UNESCO is monitoring the closure of World Heritage Sites to the public during the pandemic. As of 3rd August, 34% are open, 40% closed and 26% partially open. However work goes on to protect and present this heritage. Check out this fantastic page on the UNESCO website, with links to video updates by World Heritage Site managers from across the world. A reminder of the wonderfully dedicated team of people who are looking after our planet’s heritage.

Virtually visiting 1 UNESCO World Heritage Site in each country every day. As of today, the total number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in the countries visited is 13,332,203 (UN World Health Organisation). All but 5 of these countries have reported cases, and all but 11 at least 1 death. 474,093 people are known to have died in these countries ‘visited’ to date, although even a brief review of the statistics suggests real numbers are distorted due to differential access to testing. Globally over 20.6 million cases have been reported worldwide, with 750,400 deaths. Behind each of these numbers are human lives lost and changed forever.
NB This resource requires the latest versions of most common desktop browsers, and works best with Chrome and Firefox. It also supports most common current iOS and Android mobile devices.
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