The Earth Museum is an experimental project with a long-term vision to develop powerful global citizenship learning resources for the home and the classroom. We have been working closely with Gosport and Fareham Multi-Academy Trust (GFMAT) since November 2019 trialling our innovative learning approach. This partnership has informed the development of resources to date utilising ArcGIS Online software provided by Esri, and we are delighted and grateful for the support of this ongoing relationship.

In December 2020 we used a classroom session, utilising the World War 1 Explorer resource and involving 665 KS3 students, to step up our evaluation of learning impact. Our analysis will inform future development of The Earth Museum resources, and also provides initial insight into the importance of digital equality across classrooms within schools, as well as the relationship between student literacy levels and employability in a digital age.
You can read more about our findings here.

We plan to continue this experimentation, development and evaluation in our next collaborative project (for which we are currently fundraising). This will see us working with GFMAT, the Rapanui Pioneer Society and the University of Winchester Institute of Education to create a Rapa Nui (Easter Island) cultural heritage map that inspires learning about climate change, sustainability and responsible consumerism.
We are also keen to connect with schools and other learning organisations interested in working with us to support their teaching in the classroom. Please do get in touch to discuss your requirements.